April 22 1987 – East Village – Journal

Still no lights in my apartment

ConEd shut off.

Alan Vaughn showed up from Florida on route to London. At lunch today ,” he said, ” i love to travel.” then proceeded to tell me all about the demise of his fair with his winter living, natalia, aKA seven rooms of Gloom

“You know I’d come back from trips planes Trains. And feeling beat. I’d open the door, and that should be. Sitting watching some terrible French television show she look up and Mumble something like hello and go back to her dreariness. In the end I had to tell her to go and she took it really easy. Came the next day got her things, ” what do you think was I wasting my time

Alan looked at me for truth

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with her in the winter or rather being with her in the winter but let’s face it enough was enough. That girl suffers from some form of pseudo-catatonia. It was time for her to go___ anyway you had to recover after the Thomas Cole disaster. That she lost that sale didn’t help.”

Alan’s face scrunched up at the mere mention of Chee’s name. After all the rumors that they were an item had been heard even this far from the schemes that she. He had seen her brothers this morning midtown. Never Can Say Goodbye.

After all it was spring and April is in the coolest month of all in Miami but London. Winter takes its time dying there.

“How is it with Chee anyway,” i know I asked damn well the answer would be forthcoming and wouldn’t you know it before he could say a word the waitress place at bacon and eggs right on cue. Yes the old man Magic still comes through.

Hudson spring almost
The last lash of winter when black waffle river
Shark fins cutting through the Hudson
The Sun
Swollen with doubt
Shine or not shine
The street lights dim
For the dawn and the cold wet wind swirls off the river
As empty taxis swish away
On the West Side Highway
Where the lights
Inot New York’s dying night

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