Hong Kong Gone -2017

The Luk Kwok Hotel in Wan Chai was the inspiration for the setting of THE WORLD OF SUZIE WONG.

The fictional Nam Kok Hotel was a sailors’ brothel at which the film’s hero, Robert Lomax, decided to stay and paint the neighborhood and the women of the downstairs bar.

The artist met Mee Ling on the Star Ferry.

She accused him of robbing her purse.

At the Nam Kok Hotel bar as Suzie Wong.

Suzie danced with any man for a drink.

She slept with them for money.

Some of them fell in love.

William Holden’s character was one of them.

Happiness was not easy to find in Wan Chai.

It was a game for Suzie. She never lost.

This was Hong Kong.

It is gone now.

Like everywhere else.

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