Monthly Archives: May 2024

May 10, 1978 – Journal Entry

Antonio and I look out the windows of the Ebasco executive dining room. A thick fog obscures Lower Manhattan, as the last gasps of the winter was strangled by a spring breeze from the south. We have finished with serving lunch and wipe the silverware clean. The Spanish waiter surprises me with a small ball […]

Memphis Underground – Herbie Mann – Hull, Mass. – 1970

Memphis Underground In the winter of 1970 my friend Chet and I went down by car from the South Shore to a coastal neck of land guarding Boston Harbor from Atlantic storms. An Irish Riviera in the summer Hull was a ghost town in January. Our dealer Rich had a pound of Lebanese hash. We […]

Myrtle and Broadway – Axis of Axis

Myrtle and Broadway under the elevated J and M trains ranked as the scivviest intersection in Brooklyn. During COVID the triangular corner had been colonized by a cult of Meth heads, K2 fiends, Oxy zombies devoted to a collective intoxication. A ragged woman set up shop selling drugs from her filthy encampment under the subway […]

May 8, 1978 – Journal Entry

This morning I stuffed myself with garbage food. I have a little money in my pocket, so I’m making up for lost time when I was broke. After paying off my prodigal debts, I have $150 in my pocket, almost a month’s rent at the SRO, but there’s no guarantee of more money in the […]

Off To Rockaway – Full Speed Ahead

May 7 Seven months in New York Like a marooned sailor Like Richard Burton The Nile explorer On the beach in Trieste Ships sailing away on the Adriatic Burton going nowhere Like me. But Today I stand on A Wall Street Wharf Not a hint of winter on the river Spring 75 Sunny I am […]