Monthly Archives: May 2024

Peace on Mother’s Day

According to Wikipedia the First Mother’s Day was established as a ‘Mother’s Day for Peace’ by Anna Jarvis from Virginia in honor of her mother, Ann, who had been a pacifist during the Civil War. According to the Anna Jarvis Museum in Webster the daughter had received her inspiration after a Sunday service when her […]

Happy Mother’s Day From Philly

I wish the bests to all the mother’s in the world. I love you all and nothing says I love my mother like the Intruders I’LL ALWAYS LOVE MY MOMMA. Go to this URL to feel the love. To hear the Intruders’ I ALWAYS LOVED MY MOMMA

Bah Humbug Stop your Kvetching

My 2009 Xmas season consisted of a marathon work schedule at the diamond exchange. 7 days a week. 9 hours a day. No caroling or egg nog or festive cheer. I was at work to sell diamonds and jewelry to the public to support my families in Thailand. Business on 47th Street is better than […]

Happy Mother’s Day From Maine

Falmouth Foresides, Maine 1957 My mother in bliss. A summer afternoon with her kids and my father. We were a happy family. Then now and forever. I’m on the far right. 8 years from my first beer. Happy Mother’s Day. We all had one. A mother. Not a beer.

Guns On Avenue C – 1986

In the 1970s I always said that the East Village looked like Rome three days after the sack of the Visigoths 410 CE. Buildings burned day and night. The overstretched 9th precinct triaged the streets beyond 1st Avenue. No patrols ventured farther than Tompkins Square Park. Shooting galleries outnumbered bodegas and hordes of thieves fearlessly […]