Monthly Archives: May 2024

A Bee O’er Bleecker

A bee buzzed the 9th Floor O’er Bleecker Seeking sweet nectar Only Dead Flowers here The bee a Rolling Stones fan. DEAD FLOWERS

Myrtle and Broadway Hell

Over the past few years Myrtle and Broadway under the elevated J and M trains ranked as the scivviest intersection in Brooklyn. During COVID the triangular corner had been colonized by a cult of Meth heads, K2 fiends, Oxy zombies devoted to a collective intoxication. A ragged woman set up shop selling drugs from her […]

Staten Island Fog – Journal 1978

From May 9, 1978 Journal On the Staten Island Ferry The first time I’ve left Manhattan Since Boston. I can’t see anything of Manhattan. The fog follows the ferry’s wake. The harbor air The gray sea dark as the gray air. The world a maze of opaque sameness. The ferry approaches St. George. The passengers […]

May 11, 1978 – East Village – Journal II

And doesn’t care for my writing. She only reads this journal for passages about us about her. never any of my hand written fiction, but for real reason. ” I don’t think you ever finish anyhthing.” I have to be honest these journals have no purpose. Their value is zero. All the stories I write […]

Angry White People – 2011

When I moved in the East Village with my hillbilly girlfriend in 1977, I never walked down East 10th Street between 1st Avenue and Second Avenue. I told my girlfriend to not do the same. She obeyed my edict, because it was the right thing to do and she was from West Virginia. No one […]