Monthly Archives: March 2024

The Far West Of Ireland

My grandmother came from County Mayo. Her last name was Walsh. Nana sailed to Boston at the age of fourteen. That ocean voyage was so traumatic that she never returned to Ireland. My mother and her sisters often offered to fly Nana to Shannon. “I don’t want to travel on that sea again.” “Planes don’t […]

Burn Bible Burn 2011

The sun never set on the British Empire in the 19th Century. Queen Victoria was its supreme leader. Britannia ruled the waves and her army brought order to the savage lands of Africa and Asia. The native were expected to reward their Christina overlords with natural resources and human labor. India was the crown jewel […]

Ides Of March

Julius Caesar returned from the Conquest of Gaul loaded with plunder i.e. gold and slaves. He paid off the debt of every Roman, thereby freeing the hoi polloi from the tyranny of the upper classes. The Senators feared the Dictator’ rising popularity and accused Caesar of seeking the title of King. Caesar rejected their claim, […]

International Write-Off Day 2015

. Julius Caesar returned from the conquest of Gaul and paid off the hoi polloi’s debt. The rich were bribed with gold. Romans called this holiday a ‘jubilee’ and the common man extolled Caesar. They were no longer slaves to the upper classes, who hated Caesar for disrupting the ancient social order. Caesar thought that […]

Do You Like Gladiator Movies?

Written Jun 20, 2018 The movie GLADIATOR was released in 2000. My friends and I gay maitre de greeted us and and asked where we had been. “We saw GLADIATOR.” Joe made a face and hissed, “I saw it. I didn’t like it.” “Why not” asked my ex-lover Ms. Carolina. She loved Russell Crowe. “Because […]