Monthly Archives: November 2023

ANDRETTA’S HAT – Video – 169 BAR

Sadly I lost that hat on a plane from Detroit in November 2021. Why Detroit. The Rolling Stones. Paint It Black you Devils

COLD TURKEY john lennon

I like nothing better than left-over turkey for a post-thanksgiving jolt of big bird coma, then John Lennon says it best in COLD TURKEY To view his holiday gem, please go to the following URL

Wintah Maine

Walking on a back road From school No sign of the sun Leaden clouds overhead Fields frozen by deep snow. A northerly wind from Montreal A long slog home. Grey slush underfoot Cold wet seeping Through soles Another mile to Grandmother’s house. Where waits The warmth of a pot belly stove Pull off boots Peel […]

Thanksgiving 1978 From My Journal

Thanksgiving 1978 was spent at our Easts Village apartment; Alice, Kim, Bobbie, Andy Reese, and Grant. I ended up dropping LSD with Bill Yusk. The first hit was weak and I dropped another tab. Still nothing and I drank wine with Alice and Kim. Two hours later I was drunk and the LSD hit hard. […]

New Haven Turkey Day

Five Thanksgivings ago I traveled north to have turkey with my younger sister’s in-laws. They were good people. Back in the 1940s New Haven was a prime destination for commuters. however in the 50s the Federal Courts had ordered the New Haven railroad to divest itself of the trolleys running from the various stations along […]