Monthly Archives: October 2023


QUITING MARK AMITIN Tore up your phone number Written on a scrap of paper I never memorized it And I’m glad I hadn’t I’m so happy to walk away from your shit The screaming The tantrum The lechery I tell you, “Fuck you.” “You’ll be back.” “Fuck you in case I do.” I walk out […]


NEW WAVE VAUDEVILLE has Alice and the other participants in a panic. I’ve seen a few rehearsals. Klaus has been fantastic, David McDermott the quintessential fey emcee. Stanley the Polish manager of l of Irving Place, tells everyone that the show will be a big success. Alice and her co-hoster Susan have given it her […]

October 18, 1978 – Journal Entry – East Village

Alice’s trip to West Virginia was five days long. She returned Tuesday morning fifteen minutes before I went to work as a waiter in the Ventron Executive Dining Room off Wall Street. Somehow she looked different and acted the same. It took a full day until Alice became the love of my life again, although […]

Not Me Taylor Swift

Long ago Long before Taylor Swift Man became Man How does not matter As what does not matter We existed Prey for all animals Saber-Toothed tigers, crocodiles, mosquitos ad infinitum Man was not atop the feeding chain Man was not on the bottom What saved us We smelled bad We tasted worst. And we learned […]

Atop The New Hill

Beneath Chicktawbut This weekend I attended A family wedding on the South Shore. At a golf course Atop a high hill  Created   From the debris of the Big Dig   Burying   Our childhood swimming holes,  The Quincy Quarries.  I surveyed the Blue Hills  Enthralled by their low line   Stretching west To Big Blue.  My old neighborhood […]