Monthly Archives: August 2023

The Great Disappointment

Written December 12, 2012 This world was a cesspool of sin for Christians in the early 19th Century, as Satan threatened the souls of the White Race through race miscegenation and women’s demands for equality were an attack on the eternal domination of men over the weaker sex. The United States was losing its religion […]

The Great Disappointment – Pattaya

For puritanical Christians early 19th Century America was a cesspool of sin and Satan threatened the souls of the White Race through race mixing, while women’s demand for equality attacked the eternal domination of men over the weaker sex. Children lost their religion and the United States was driven not by godliness, but Mammon the […]

August 6, Plus 1

The survivors of the Hiroshima attack woke on August 7 to the horrific aftermath of an A-Bomb explosion.’ According the military records published by Wikipedia some 80,000 people or almost 30% of the population of Hiroshima were killed by the blast and ensuing firestorm. Another 70,000 civilians were gravely injured by Fat Boy. U.S. surveys […]


NEXT YEAR ANDROMEDA In the western desert the night is alive with distant stars. They are our destiny. There is no God. We are the levelers of cities like Hiroshima, Dresden, or Tulsa. Our victims live as running shadows against concrete walls or charred flesh or almost unscathed. ?Now I am become Death, the destroyer […]

Hiroshima Plus One Month 1945

This rare photo of the Hiroshima mushroom cloud was taken on August 6, 1945. The Hiroshima bombing claimed approximately 120,000 lives and the subsequent leveling of Nagasaki annihilated 80,000. The US military strategists have long held that these two attacks saved over a million US troops by forcing the Japanese Empire to surrender to the […]