Monthly Archives: August 2023

Sept 6, 1994 – Maine – Journal Entry

I’ve spent the week with Willem, his wife Liz, his son Jack, and several of the Wooster Group up on Thompson Lake, Maine. Willem was extremely gracious and hospitable as was Liz, who previously had regarded me as an intrusion into their life. Both of us traveled through the yera. He to films and me […]

Sie Gesund The Mohel

Two days ago Philip L. Sherman, New York City’s most prominent mohel, passed away after performing over 27,000 circumcisions over forty-five years. A truly holy man, this mohel had time to play music and ride motorcycles between his busy schedule of B’rit milahs, an average of three daily. “My record is eleven in one day […]

Goodbye Summer August 19, 2023

August 19, 2023 This evening in Fort Greene Park the trees changed color from summer green to end of summer green. The sun set earlier than yesterday a sliver moon follows it west to a horizon Beyond Brooklyn’s skyline BBQs burn along Myrtle Avenue Not as many as last weekend. the leaves turn black in […]

Unschlocking the Schlong

WRITTEN 6/26/12 German courts have banned circumcision of older boys on the grounds that the traditional cutting off of the male foreskin causes the child bodily harm. In babies the healing process takes up to 10 days, but for older boys the scar will remain for months. Jews and Muslims angrily protested such a judgment […]

Memory Loss

Written Nov 4, 2010 The Catholic Church and other derivatives of the Judeo-Christian faith extol monogamy as the true state of man and woman, then explain sex with the mystery of the birds and bees. Actually I don’t ever recall getting that lecture from my parents, although the stork was mentioned whenever a new brother […]