Monthly Archives: June 2023

Who Be Old

My doctor wrote “…is an elderly man.” Elderly! Elderly!! Elderly!!!Be I’ve been called ‘sir’ I have been called ‘old man’ Young latinos call me ‘Papi’ Okay Not so okay But elderly??? Yeah I am what I is An elderly old man But my eyes have improved to the point Where I see what we have […]

Like Father Like Son 2008

Fenway took a fall in the bathroom. Lots of blood. 8 stitches. No longer perfect. Everyone says his mother beat him. Mam would never touch him. Me maybe, but like father like son. My black eye is from a street fight in Pattaya. “It was a good fight, ma, but I lost.” In fact I […]

Everything Versus Nothing – Lazurus II

All belief about life disappeared with my first death. Drowning at Adam’s Pond New Hampshire 1962. I’ve died many times Since. Nantasket Beach Ile St. Louis Paris, The East Village South of Doi mae Salong Lanna Thai. Always the same On the other side. Nothingness. Same on the operating table December 23, 2023 Loaded on […]

BURNT ORANGE HERESY by Charles Willieford

I could have taken State Road Seven straight away by picking it up west of West Palm Beach, but because the old two-lane highway was used primarily by truck traffic barreling for Miami’s back door, into Hialeah, I stayed on U.S. 1 all the way to Boynton Beach before searching for a through road to […]

A Comprehensive List of Sex

My research of sexual terms has been extensive over my 55 years. More for a good joke or to outrage a dinner table of stodgy American than to liberate my own sexuality, however my confidence in my prurient knowledge was shaken by a list of sexual perversions floating on the internet.Reading this following list could […]