Monthly Archives: August 2021


Society in America has hit the skids. The corruption of the Two-Party System has reduces the working classes to the edge of poverty with 55% of earnings taxed by the IRS, while the rich pay nothing. Socialist Sweden, camel-roping Kuwait, and the frozen snowbacks of Canada have higher per capita incomes. Most Americans blame President […]

Doppelganger 2021

Throughout the last two years Sharif and I had worked together on various projects for Ole Yellah. The German restauranteur has her ways. She expect things to be done perfectly even if no one has done them before. Even she. Sharif and I do our best. Our best is not perfection. Ole Yellah likes to […]


Alice is down in Chinatown, plotting the dramatic take-over of the East Village with Tom Scully and his scrawny girlfriend. I don’t like the way Susan looks at Alice and she doesn’t like the way Alice loves me. To her I’m a thug. The coke deal is back on and I’m waiting on Guadalcanal’s call […]

Sacklers Up Against The Wall

After the Chinese Red Army’s triumph over Chiang Kai-Chek’s Kuomintang in 1949. Chairman Mao instituted a ruthless campaign against drug dealers and opium addicts to combat the plague of addiction through China. Opium disappeared from most of the country other than the Southern provinces bordering Burma. This no-nonsense approach was adopted by most of the […]

Gay Porn Is Bad

Rick Santorum did not actually say that he saw ‘eye to eye’ with the Taliban, however he has been outspoken on pornography on many occasions and his website featured the following view on the subject; “America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography. A wealth of research is now available demonstrating that pornography causes […]