After the Chinese Red Army’s triumph over Chiang Kai-Chek’s Kuomintang in 1949. Chairman Mao instituted a ruthless campaign against drug dealers and opium addicts to combat the plague of addiction through China. Opium disappeared from most of the country other than the Southern provinces bordering Burma.
This no-nonsense approach was adopted by most of the Indochinese nations without success. Junkies are junkies no matter what their country.
Back in 1996 in Kumming I saw several trucks carrying condemned prisoners to the main stadium for a public execution. none of the people along the route said a word. They kept their heads down. I followed suit.
The Drug War in America has been a failure from the first day that Richard Nixon declared that drugs were public enemy #1 in 1971. The nation have endured the scourge of heroin, crack, meth, but nothing prepared the police, hospitals, and families of small-town America for the Oxycontin epidemic. Big Pharma seduced doctors to peddle their painkiller, touting oxys as non-addictive, only to have rural pharmacies sell truckloads of pills to teenagers ignorant of the drug’s deadliness. Millions became addicted to Purdue’s product, hundreds of thousands have overdosed in the last decade, and the cost of fighting oxys might be $30,000,000,000 per year once hospitalization, repression, and incarceration are included in the bill.
Purdue Pharmaceuticals has been the primary purveyor of oxycontins.
Three days ago David Sackler declared under oath to a federal bankruptcy court in White Plains, New York, “We don’t believe our conduct was illegal in any way. We want to help.â€
The Sacklers’ never wanted to help. They saw oxycontins as a pathway to untold wealth.
Their fortune has been estimated to be $13 billion. Their multi-million dollar estates dot the rich enclaves of America. Most of the family has chosen to live at their foreign residences during the legal proceeding to avoid prison and loss to their wealth.
Over a million US citizens are incarcerated in local, state, and federal prisons each year.
70,000 Americans will OD this year.
Not a single Sackler has been arrested, despite their obvious guilt.
I am personally okay with sending every adult member to Thailand to be shot in prison.
The USA will pay for the last executioner to put down his guitar and come out of retirement for one last job.
A $1 million for each of them.
Khun Chavoret will do his duty and put them all down.
Next in line the Purdue Pharma executives.
Khun Chavoret will be a busy man, but he never misses his target.
Death to the Sacklers.