Monthly Archives: June 2021

We Miss You Bobby

In the summer of 1966 I was standing with my father at the Lower Mills station outside of Boston. We were headed to work. A Mattapan-bound trolley stopped to let off a crowd. My father and I were mystified by the hubbub, until the trolley pulled away from the platform and we spotted Robert F. […]

Zoe Leonard – photographer – quote

I knew Zoe Leonard as a young woman in the late 70s. She was a teenage. I was in my twenties. The East Village was a slum. We had fun together. She became a photographer. Well known. Political as would anyone who lost so many friends to AIDS. Zoe became an ardent lesbian. I remained […]

Rehab In Juneau

In 2021 I was having too good a time at the 169 in Chinatown. Work was light and I was falling deeper into debt. I received a phone call from Alaska offering a jewelry job. I accepted without thinking and flew four time zones west and north to the Land of The Midnight Sun. I […]

June 1 In Juneau