Monthly Archives: December 2020

SNOW by Jesse Winchester

Jesse Winchester recorded this song in 1970. Winter was winter back in the last century. Listening to this song is as close as I’m going to get to the 20th Century on a day like this. To hear SNOW by Jesse Winchester,please go to the following URL

Pregnant Man Kidnapped on Internet

Maybe I’m crazy, but several years ago I read an article on about a pregnant man in the UK. The photo looked very much like that of a Hawaiian stripper who underwent a sex change operation and had a baby in 2008 as a man. I was going to write about his second miracle […]

Proud Boy Circle Jerk

On June 6, 1944 UK, Canadian, and US troops landed on five Normandy beaches and broke through Hitler’s Atlantic Wall to liberate France and the rest of Western Europe, while another army slogged up the Italian peninsula. The American soldiers fought the Nazis thousands of times from the Battle of the Bulge and Anzio to […]

Flee Flee Flee

In 2012 the preacher for Live For God’s Kingdom had biblically deciphered the mysteries of the Mayan Apocalypse. Scoot Reeve advised his flock to flee in St. Joseph, Michigan to Jerusalem as a safe refuge for true believers. His sermons of the Last of Days had reinforced the doomsday convictions of my old friend, the […]

Rudi Guiliani Positive For Madness

FTrump announced from the White House that Rudi Guiliani, his chief legal counsel, has tested positive for Covid-19. The former NYC mayor has been taken to a hospital, taking himself out of the fight to steal the 2020 Presidential election by accusing major-scale fraud by the Democrats. Trump tweetered Guiiliani, ““Get better soon Rudy, we […]