Monthly Archives: November 2020

FDTrump’s Million MAGA Parade

I’m 68 years old. I have been to every state other than North Dakota and Kentucky, where my fther served in Lexington testing radar-directed 20 mm cannons on B-25. The casualty rate was 20-30% depending on weather. He and I have been to Florida, Virginia, New York, Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, Montana, and all of New […]

Superstitions a la Carte

Thais have more superstitions about food than the Irish have about the clúrachán, a mischievous fairy, messing with beer and Whiskey. Here’s a short list of Thai don’ts. Eating a double banana will give a woman twins, which must be tough for those showgirls doing the banana tricks at go-gos. Eating before your elders will […]

The Road To Umphang – Thailand’s Death Highway

Umphang in Tak Province has long been Thailand’s most remote province. Well in the 20th Century the only access to the region was by pack horse, ox-cart or on foot. In the late 60s the Thai government financed construction of road through the perilous mountains only to have rebels kill thirty construction workers. The other […]

Doomsday Failure in Geneva

LONDON post November 2008 (click on image to enlarge ) December 21, 2012 was the day the Mayans have predicted for the end of the world. Western man attempted to defy the cosmic math of the ancients by flicking on a beam of subatomic particles in Geneva’s 17-mile-long circle called the Large Hadron Collider. Some […]

Kill For The Sake Of Cali

GUNGA DIN was one of my favorite movies as a child. The cinematic version of Rudyard Kipling’s poem about an untouchable bisthi or water carrier had elephants, fakirs, religious fanatics, comedy, thrills, and the horror of the Thuggees, who killed the innocent for their multi-armed goddess, Cali.