September 2020 was a horrible month.
Forest fires torched California and Oregon.
Trump gathered his devotees to maskless rallies and claimed Covid-19 was nothing to worry about as long as you rejected science in favor of the absolute beleif in the Almighty.
Everyday our troops fought in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and scores of nations across the globe.
No one in America cares about peace, especially the KKK Front seeking to bring back the the goold old time of complete white supremeacy.
Not this year.
IN September Thar, Jay-Jay and No One visited the Met.
Jacob was easger to view the Jacob Lawrence’s STRUGGLE RETROSPECTIVE.
“He refused to sell individual paintings according to what I heard.”
Probably true.” I read a quote by Jacob Lawrence.
“As I read more of the history of the United States, I gradually began to appreciate not only the struggle and contributions of the Negro people, but also to appreciate the rich and exciting story of America and all of the peoples who emigrated to the ‘New World.’
— Jacob Lawrence, December 1954 letter
A modern man.
There were the Rockaways.
Many people on the beach.
NOne of them wore masks.
I expected to live through all this.
Maybe the Fortune Tellers are dark, but a future is always a breath away from the past.
Dave Henderson, Kate Teale, and I might endup at Higgins Beach.
They didn’t bring Italian Sandwiches, but I have a lovely Higgins Beach Sweatshirt.
I saw my first memory underwater at that beach, but the future is blank .
People were leaving the city, befause it wasn’t a city anymore.
Just another place in the world to kill time.
My bed isn’t on the sidewalk.
I have crashed on the trains.
Sleep Sleep Sleep.
A thing of beauty.
Ga-baGabbah-Hey with Angie.
I miss you long time.