Thai Etiquette

Severak years ago a Swiss man pleaded guilty to defacing several portraits of Thailand’s revered sovereign. Worst the desecration occurred on the king’s 79th birthday. The perpetrator’s defense that he was drunk won no sympathy from the judge, who could sentence the foreigner to 75 years in the Chiang Mai prison. The trial was held ex camerato prevent any retaliation against the Swiss national as the Thais are religiously protective of their king.

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The prosecutor said, “Revealing the details of this case does not benefit anybody because it involves the king and the monarchy.”

Several other farangs have been convicted of this crime over the years and most have been declared persona non grata and allowed to leave the country, because the betting shops would give 1000-1 odds of their surviving a single day in prison.


I have nothing to say about nothing in Thailand.

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