Monthly Archives: January 2019

the umpeenth coming by peter nolan smith

In the summer of 1971 my three friends and I tripped on LSD in White Mountains. the window pane was fierce. A twelve year-old emerged from the forest. For a minute almost believed he was Jesus, but his name was Jessie from Bethel NH Music by doug henderson ex-drummer of Spongehead Vortex sculpture by Dave […]


DARK SIDE OF THE MOON had sold over 15 million LPs, cassettes, and CDs. Pink Floyd soared to even greater heights with THE WALL. 22 million units, yet I have never heard a song from either effort in a Pattaya Go-Go. Pink Floyd does better in Soi 8 beer bars. “We don’t need no education.” […]

Two Weeks And Counting

The US Federal Government shut down has entered its third week. Parks and Federal offices have been closed, over 380,000 federal employees have been furloughed and more than 420,000, such as the TSA and the Coast Guard are working without pay because Congress and the White House have not funded their agencies due to Trump’s […]

A MEAN OLD MAN / Bet on Crazy by Peter Nolan Smith

This summer our Israeli landlords on West 47th Street were squeezing every commercial cent from their property. Contractors reconstructed the entrance to create space for another diamond store along the facade. The new owners are longtime dealers in the Diamond District. I put on my suit jacket and Manny, my boss, asked, “Where are you […]

Snow In Thailand There is a cold season in Thailand. Winter arrives right before Loi Krathong. Thais bundle up in the North and even in Pattaya locals complain about the change in the weather. They grab their arms with a shiver. “Nao.” “Cold? I’ll tell you about cold. When I was a kid, you had to put […]