Karl Marx co-authored THE COMMUNNIST MANIFESTO with the son of capitalist owning a large English Textile factory owner. Frederich Engels was the funnier of the two and once said, “Money is the only thing that can make a beautiful woman think a bald man isn’t bald.”
The co-father of Communism was speaking about the rich.
Not billionaires.
There are 2,208 billionaires from 72 countries and territories, which is the population of Lincolville, Maine.
This gang of thieves’ collective wealth is $19 trillion.
None of them are worth a lobster at the Lincolnville Lobster Pound, but they rule the banks and the banks run the wealth cloud for the billionaires.
The rich only fear the loss of wealth and the nouveau-riche.
No one, but me and a few thousand people believe in revolution, but tonight all that will change..
The New York Megamillion lottery’s payoff with be $1 billion.
After taxes the winner will get $400,000,000, which is $400,000,000 more than any billionaire paid in America.
$1 is more than most of them pay, but this week we all dropped $2 for a play at not fame, but fortune. I bought three chance at the dream and picked the numbers myself, because we all know that the final numbers will be decided by a computer designed by the billionaires’ lackeys to rob the poor. It does matter, because this evening at 11pm one of us will join the two-thousand cocksuckers.
I can only hope it will be me.
As does my family.