Monthly Archives: August 2018

Wendell Berry Quote On Food

I once brought a head of broccoli to the counter of a supermarket outside of Poughkeepsie. The young cashier regarded it with an alien’s disgust for earth. “What is it?” “Broccoli.” It’s one of the few words that is the same around the world. “I’ve never seen it before.” She was probably 17. “Have you […]

Cave Anatis

In 2008 I spent the summer on Palm Beach. It was very off-season. Rainy, hot, and no one on the beaches. The mansion off Ocean Avenue was a big change from my previous place of residence, Pattaya, Thailand. I also living alone instead of dividing my time between two women; girlfriend #1 and our daughter […]

Ecological Footprint

Donald Trump blathered on how much a threat North Korea is to the world. Their danger to world peace is graphically revealed by a satellite photo of the hermit nation. South Korea had bright cities. North Korea? My Christmas tree had more lights.  So basically the most dangerous country on the globe is ecologically sound. What about my ecological footprint? I live […]

Two Places at One Time

I have two wives in Thailand. Two kids too. One with each woman. This situation was manageable over the last years, since I was in New York and they were in Thailand. My predicament became more convoluted whenever I flew to Bangkok. I would have to be two places at once and these two places […]

Showing Your Humanity

During my treks through Tibet and Nepal I encountered herders on the trails. Each time they stuck out their tongue. My Sherpa guide explained that this custom proved that they were not a reincarnation of an evil spirit and human. This greeting was repeated with regularity and I pondered how many evil reincarnations wandered the […]