Monthly Archives: June 2018

ALMOST A DEAD MAN by Peter Nolan Smith – CHAPTER 2

Howling sirens sent East Villagers fleeing into the Astor Place Subway. A lucky few reached the shelter of the tunnel and the rest raised their eyes to the speck falling to Earth. A white flash vaporized New York into the ionosphere.

ALMOST A DEAD MAN by Peter Nolan Smith – CHAPTER 1

A scurry of claws scratched across the damp basement floor and the woman on the battered chair lifted her black stiletto heels in horror, but rats were the least of her problems. This afternoon her lover had phone to suggest a rendezvous in Hamburg’s harbor district. She had arrived after dark in anticipation of an […]

Groovy Thailand

The world was a groovy place before the Vietnam War. Thailand was cool. To see how cool go to this URL for Groovy Bangkok 1969 Or Check out Kwuan Tai Duew Luk Phen YOU SHOULD DIE BY BULLETS from Thailand on youtubes or Louis Kennedy – Poo Yai Lee on