Monthly Archives: February 2018

Old Friends Never Fade Away

combat zone, check cabs, strippers, boston

THE INHALE OF WEED by Peter Nolan Smith

Marijuana was demonized throughout my youth. The Boston police treated reefer smokers as harshly as junkies. John Sinclair, the MC5’s radical spokesperson, was sentenced to ten years of prison for the crime of ‘giving’ an undercover agent two joints. The severity of his punishment did not deter the millions of marijuana smokers of the 60s […]

Valley Of Pot

that amounts to

Someone to Blame for Me

In the 1940s American doctors infected hundreds if not thousands of Guatemalan prisoners, inmates, and common folk with syphilis. The same doctors had subjected blacks Americans to a similar treatment. Millions more were exposed to atomic bomb fallout in the 50s and hundreds were dosed with LSD by the military. Medicine gone mad without any […]

Ban Top Knots

I haven’t cut my hair in months. It’s growing, but slowly. The front locks almost reach the end of my nose. My hopes of rehippiedom are seemingly only a dream, but if my tresses get long, I will never bun it or put it in a top knot. I’m just not that kind of guy […]