There are twenty-six letters in the English Language.
The List of Sex contains hundreds of fetishes, desires, and sexual perversity.
Here are lettters B-C-D
BELONEPHILIA: Arousal from pins or needles
BIASTOPHILIA: Pleasure from forcible rape of a terrified stranger
BROMIDROPHILIA: Arousal from bodily smells
The Bs might have been short, but the Cs and Ds make up for it.
CANOPHILIA: Turned on by dogs
CATAGELOPHILIA: Love of being ridiculed
CHASMOPHILIA: Attraction to nooks, crannies, crevices, and chasms
CHEIMAPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from cold or winter
CHREMATISTOPHILIA: Arousal from being charged for sex or robbed
CHRYSOPHILIA: Arousal from gold or golden objects
CLAUSTROPHILIA: Love of being confined in small places
COPROPHILIA: A fancier of feces
CRATOLAGNIA: Arousal from strength
CRUROPHILIA: Sexual arousal from legs
Cs were better than the Bs, although none of these fantasies turn me on. Maybe I’ll fare better with Ds.
DACRYPHILIA: Arousal from seeing tears in the eyes of a partner
DORAPHILIA: Love of animal skins
DYSTYCHIPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from accidents
And that’s that.
Next up.
I might find something I like there.