Monthly Archives: February 2016

Naga Fire Over The Mekong

The legend of the Naga snake predated history, but was spread from India in the great epic Mahabharata. While the great serpent has been portrayed as an evil poisonous creature temples, Naga statues adorn temples throughout Asia and every October during Buddhist Lent thousands of Thais and tourists flock to view the glowing gas balls […]

$2 Pussy – Richard Pryor

The best. To see Richard Pryor Live At West Hollywood, please go to this URL

BACK AND FORTH my novel about hitchhiking across the USA in 1974. Chapter TOO LATE FOR THE HAIGHT

The bus from Sacramento crossed the bay in light traffic. Most people in the Bay Area had off Memorial Day. The uniformed driver veered off the bridge and entered the TransBay Terminal. Once he parked in the depot, I got off the bus to grab my bag from the underneath storage compartment and entered the […]

Defend Earth Women

Beware of the Martians. They are only after one thing. And it isn’t KFC.