Monthly Archives: March 2015

Treason Is Treason

According to family legend my Irish great grand-uncle was executed by the British crown for treason. He was a Fenian traitor in the eyes of the His Majesty. Erin Go Bragh. Most recently in America the GOP’s senators undermined ongoing negotiations with Iran at the behest of a foreign government by sending a letter to […]

3Is And A Genie

An Israeli, an Iranian, and an Irishman are lost in the desert. They discover a brass lamp in the sand. The Israeli rubs it and frees a grateful genie, who will grant a wish to each of them. The Israeli insists on going first and demands a wall 100 feet high around all of Biblical […]

Fenway’s First Beer

back in 2011 my son Fenway and I were sitting with his mother at the Blue Moon Bar in Jomtien. Mam said that she wanted to check on the laundry. Fenway watched her across the soi. He gave me a smile and picked up my glass of icy Leo beer. “Chim dai, Dhim mai dai,” […]

7 Billion More or Less

The population of the planet in 1952 was approximately 2.635 billion people. I was born in May that year. I will be 68 in two months. Several years ago the UN announced that humanity has reached seven billion people faster than predicted by the most Malthusian experts on growth. The death rate of 150,000 people […]


Last year Susan Cheever entered the ranks of prohibitionism with her entry in the NY Times DRUNKENFREUDE. Her glib mangling of the classic German term ‘schadenfreude’ meaning taking joy in the misery of others opened with a 10 year-old tale of a woman’s heavy drinking at a Christmas party then shifted into an observation that […]