Totie Fields is a lost genius of Borscht Belt comedy.
I reincarnated her from the past this evening, finding a 1974 clip from the Mike Douglas Show on which she puts Gene Simmons from Kiss by saying after he denied being Jewish, “The hook don’t lie.”
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I then sought out more and found WHAT IS HAPPINESS?
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The big girl knew her stuff and acceding to Wikipedia Ed Sullivan gave Fields her first big break when he booked her on his show after seeing her perform at the Copacabana in New York. She made multiple appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show, The Mike Douglas Show, and The Merv Griffin Show, as well as a fifth season episode of Here’s Lucy starring Lucille Ball.
In 1972, Fields wrote a humorous diet book titled I THINK I’LL START ON MONDAY: THE OFFICIAL I’ll Start on Monday: 8½ OZ. MASHED POTATO DIET.
Laugh laugh laugh.