Monthly Archives: August 2013

TÃ’in Chliste

My Irish grandmother said, “If you can tie your shoes in the morning, then you have nothing to complain about.” Later in the 60s I smartmouthed Nana saying, “What if I wear sandals?” She did not laugh until she smacked the back of my head. “Tóin chliste.” Yes, I was a right smart-ass hippie, but […]

Unlucky Someone

This evening a biker ran a light at West Broadway and Houston. He didn’t make it to the other side in this life. Drive safe, bikers. The first Kawasaki Ninja came to America in 1986. We called them ‘widowmakers’. They were too much speed for a man. Same as this Unlucky Someone.

Lucky Me

New Years Eve 1986. I was riding my Yamaha 650 through a snowstorm. Approaching Houston and 2nd Avenue the light changed to red. I skidded through the intersection excepting the worse. Cars crisscrossed my path. I stopped against the curb. A 9th Precinct cop said, “Damn you were lucky.” “That I was.” “Where you Headed?” […]

NOT A CHANCE by Peter Nolan Smith

In 1984 I flew home from Paris for Christmas in Boston. After the holiday I headed south to New York. The East Village to be exact. New snow prettified Tompkins Square Park. Tomorrow it would be cold dirty slush. I had $200. Florida was 1200 miles away. Hitchhiking to Miami Beach took as long as […]

Seriously Cool

Who else was cool? Steve McQueen