Monthly Archives: January 2013

The Shadow Of The Man

Orson Welles achieved fame early in his life with the controversial radio broadcast THE WAR OF THE WORLDS in 1938. He was only 23. Three years later CITIZEN KANE was acclaimed the greatest movie of all time. His success freed him from the reins of the Hollywood studios, although the movie moguls were experts at […]

Death By Gravity

Two days ago a LA man in his 60s was killed by the toppling of his basement refrigerator. To paraphrase the last line from KING KONG; “It was not beer that killed the man, but the beauty of beer.”


The attribute I most admire in the Thais is their ability to sleep anywhere and I seem to have acquire this gift from my years of living in the Land of Smiles. I thank Siam for this talent. Everywhere and anytime.

The Reefer Standard For The Dollar

Bloomberg News’ Josh Barro congratulated GOP Representative Jerrold Nadler’s suggestion that President Barack Obama solve our ‘alleged’ debt crisis by minting a trillion-dollar coin. “I’m being absolutely serious. It sounds silly but it’s absolutely legal. And it would normally not be proper to consider such a thing, except when you’re faced with blackmail to destroy […]

Steve, You Suck

Last autumn I sat in the Fort Greene Observatory and thought that the hurricane season had been very kind to the Eastern Seaboard, then in late-October a Category 1 storm traveled up the Gulf Stream to smote New Jersey with a lunar-intensified tidal surge. The coast was devastated by the water and wind. Governors sought […]