Monthly Archives: December 2012

ATLANTIS by Donovan

Atlantis has existed as a mythical lost continent long before the opening of the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. Plato wrote of an ancient sea kingdom dating back to 9500 BC doomed to sink under the ocean. Eurocentric historians have attempted to place the legendary island within the Mediterranean, however I favor the theory that […]

We Will Bury You

The skies are gray over New York. The global economy is in the shitter. I don’t have a job and I asked myself, “What is this world coming to?” I answer myself with the words of Nikita Khrushchev, “We will bury you.” The end of capitalism could happen, it sounds like the grave is already […]

12 Days And Counting

Biblical creationists judge the age of the Earth to be roughly 6000 years in agreement with adherents of Islam. During the elections Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) claimed that he had no idea about the age of the Earth, but last week he switched his position of ignorance to the scientific claim that our planet is […]

Could I Have This Dance?

Frank Sinatra liked skinny. Nancy Reagan fit that description. He had an affair with the 1st Lady in the White House. I don’t know if that’s rumor is true, but this photo says a million words and all of them is ‘adultery’.

The Words of Sinatra

1956 “Get your hand off the suit, creep.” To House Speaker Sam Rayburn, at the Democratic National Convention, as Rayburn requested Sinatra sing The Yellow Rose of Texas. 1963 Asked about his religious beliefs, Frank Sinatra tells Playboy magazine: “I’m for anything that gets you through the night, be it prayer, tranquilizers, or a bottle […]