Monthly Archives: July 2012

XXX Break-In

Eugene, Oregon police solved a series of break-ins with the arrest of an Antone Forrest Deedward Owens, who confessed the detectives that he was addicted to online pornography and burgled the houses to watch sex on the victims’ computer, while the residents were in bed. He repeated his crime in the same house several times. […]


Former guitarist for the Ghosts and present strummer for the Bowerytones Jahn Xavier posted a New York telephone number on Facebook. 212-982-4052. I can’t believe I remember that phone number, but there it is. Anybody out there know where that bell rang? Within two minutes a woman called Dusty recognized the number to CBGB’s telephone […]

Water Bottle People

In my hometown outside of boston a spring provides free clean water. All you have to do is bring your own bottle. I waited there for an hour. No one took up the offer. The fools are happier with the water in their plastic bottles. Fools.

Taboo in The Tiki Theater

Yesterday TV funny man Fred Willard for lewd behavior at the Tiki Theater by an undercover LAPD officer at 8:45pm. At first I thought the arrest had occurred at the Tiki Cineplex, which is featuring Ice Age: Continental Drift, Ted, The Amazing Spider-Man, Brave, Magic Mike, and Savages on its multi-screens, although none of those […]

THE LOUDNESS OF LIFE by Peter Nolan Smith

Not all intellectuals have been exiled from Manhattan by the exorbitant rents and last spring editors, writers, publishers, agents, actors, painters, and pundits gathered at a West Village triplex to celebrate a radical journalist’s safe return from the Libyan revolution. Anne’s tales of the rebels’ fight against Khadaffi’s regime had appeared in the Wall Street […]