Delta Business Elite

‘All the news that’s fit to print’ tops the headlines of the New York Times. This respected newspaper is considered a bastion of liberal thought by the left, right, and center of the upper-classes, for the cost of $2.50 puts the broadsheet out of the range of most Americans and a glance at the ads within Times reflect the publishers’ regard for the common man.

Page A7 of issue 55,722 featured the completion of the front page’s Dublin Journal entry about a broke Dublin artist fashioning a house out of 1.4 billion Euros.

Directly beneath this article was a promo for Delta Business Elite.

The price of a flight to London with this service is $3500 or about one-tenth of an American family languishing above the poverty line.

None of the business class flyers pay for this privilege.

The money comes out of the pocket of the consumers.

Same as the $2.50 for the New York Times.

A mouthpiece for the rich.

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