Monthly Archives: October 2011


It’s autumn and I’m having a Tom Rush festival. It’s good to look him on on google and see on Wikipedia that his birthdate isn’t followed by a termination day. Tom Rush was the singer who made it safe for men to listen to Joni Mitchell without feeling like a sissy, at least not until […]

Ding Dong Gaddafi’s Dead

Muammar Gaddafi’s decades long reign in Libya came to a bloody end last week. NATO airplanes attacked a convoy of vehicles fleeing Sirte, his last stronghold. Gaddafi ran for cover, as local militia surrounded the area. Finding refuge in a drainage pipe, the colonel fought for his life, but NTC fighters pounded the concrete tube […]

Burn Berlin Burn

This September my benefactor took me to the Monaco Boat Show. We landed at the Nice Airport and I was about to ask him how we were traveling to Monte Carlo, when I saw a Maybach waiting by the curb. Padraic looked over his shoulder and said like he could read my mind, “Our ride.” […]

Froide Comme Une Reine

The Financial Times, which is the foreign rival to the Murdoch-onwed Wall Street Journal, has reported that Buckingham Palace has joined millions of other homes throughout Britian in ‘fuel poverty’ in which a homeowner pays more than 10% of their income on fuel. Oil prices in Britain are at an all-time high as commodity traders […]

HASTA SIEMPRE – Soledad Bravo