Monthly Archives: July 2011

Driving 101 ala the Vatican

I was brought up a Catholic in the 60s. The nuns of Our Lady of the Foothills taught their young charges that the Pope was infallible ie incapable of mistakes. My friends and I used to conjecture that God’s rep on earth didn’t fart, need an eraser, or pick his nose. The parish priests heard […]

LA Without Cars

Only losers walk in LA. Pedestrians camouflage their carlessness by carrying keys in their hands to avoid questioning by the LAPD. No car means bad people to the cops of the Southland. Whitey Bulger, the Southie outlaw, didn’t have a car in Santa Monica. He was a bad man. A snitch too. I lived in […]

Helter Swelter

The July night sky is clear over New York City. The evening temperature is 78 Fahrenheit. A weatherman called conditions ‘pleasant’. Tomorrow the sun will warm the day to 87F. Sunday the same and Monday 89F. Hot, but not brutal like Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Those three states are in the grips of an oppressing […]

How to Swear in Thailand

Like most farangs I had a hard time learning Thai and only those Thais close to me can decipher what I’m trying to say with a Bostonian accent. Conversely most of what is said to me is too fast for my ears to catch the meaning, but one day I was arguing with a woman […]

Quote of the Day – Hippocrates

“Corpulence is not only a disease itself, but the harbinger of others”. Hippocrates, the father of western medicine