Monthly Archives: June 2011


Reprise of Love’s epic non-hit. Good cover, but Arthur Lee’s original is sheer genius.

HAVE NAGILA Punk Hassidim

Ratsach Ratsach Ratsach

The Israeli Air Force launched a pre-emptive strike against the airfields of Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt on June 6, 1967. This Pearl Harbor attack caught the Arab MIG fighters and Russian bombers on the ground. Having won air superiority the Zionist Army destroyed the massed tank forces of the UAR and within 6 days […]

Tank Man Plus 22

22 years ago young protesters gathered in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square to mourn the passing of a liberal official. Communist countries in Europe were collapsing like dominoes and the Chinese Politburo feared this non-violent threat to their regime. The hardline Premier Li Peng attempted to establish martial law, however the city troops had no heart to […]

You Bet I Would # 10

AVR -1971