Beering with Da O’Bamas

Ireland is the home of Guinness Beer and President Obama lifted a pint of the brown sludge at a local pub in Moneygall. His wife sipped at her beer with relish. It was a moment of joy during a brief detour from his busy schedule of his European trip. Family, friends, and Guinness. A proper toast.


Happiness abound.

Fox News was quick to negativize the occasion by accusing the President’s ignoring the plight of Missouri’s tornado victims.

We Irish around the world have one thing to tell FOX News.

“Téigh trasna ort féin.”

Anyone knowing my feelings will not need a translation, but also when you happy, drink beer, when you’re sad drink beer, and when you’re feeling so-so drink beer. It’s good for you.”

Happy Beermas and my sympathies to the people of Joplin.

Our president will be with you tomorrow.

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