May 21 2011 minus 1

Sex, drugs, rampant homosexuality, godlessness have earned the wrath of God. HE has a heavy hand, but His Son seeks salvation for the righteous and tomorrow the minions of Jesus will rescue the ‘good’ from this Earth. Next stop for the true believers will be heaven, where they will worship the Big G for the rest of eternity on their knees. Some of the devout followers of the Man from Nazareth will failed to enter the
rapture’, because they weigh too much. The scriptures promised nothing about saving the Mo-Obs or morbidly obese, for even the strongest angel can’t fly with a fat person over 350 pounds. The next entry date is in five months, so the mo-obs will have to find solace in a reprieve from a solid diet of prayer with a feeding frenzy at KFC.

There are no fast food joints in heaven.

Sad to say but I will not miss the righteous. They were a buzzkill for normal human beings. The believers sought a return to the Inquisition. The wicked were only good for punishment and the prisons in the USA are filled with millions of good-timers.

Criminals too and few of them will make the cut for the ‘rapture’.

Personally I will be happy with the departure of the faithful.

Fox New will lose most of its audience. Oklahoma will be decimated by the departed. Radio stations of the Bible Belt will fall silent. I don’t have the exact time for this phenomena. Looking out my window I only see darkness. The Purgatory of an early Friday night and not heaven or hell.

In some ways I wish that I could accept the teaching of the Family Radio.

Their tenets are as follows according to Wikipedia.

1. The Bible alone is the Word of God.
2. Every Biblical passage must be interpreted in the light of the Bible as a whole.
3. The Bible normally conveys multiple levels of meaning or significance.
4. Numerology cannot be applied to numbers in the Bible when following the Biblical rules—some individuals have attempted to apply the concept to Camping’s research.
5. That salvation is unmerited and cannot be achieved by good works, prayer, belief or acceptance. It is a pure act of God’s grace and that those to be saved were chosen “before the foundation of the world”. He has been accused of adding conditions to salvation and teaching relative free will of humanity. However, he has admitted that some, though very few, could be saved, while still in the worldly churches, just as there would be those saved inside the nation of Israel, and that leaving the churches is merely something a believer should do, just as a believer should not lie or cheat. He also gives credit to God for what has been called “common grace”, where the unsaved, the yet to be saved and the saved are blessed to do good works, but this is not considered the gift of salvation itself.'”

I’m expecting heavy-handed treatment in the after-life, if it exists on another planet.

There are no KFCs or MacDonalds in the next life, but I don’t eat at those shitholes.

I don’t drink beer at TGIF either. I’m a man of the world. I drink beer with the common man, so expect a lot of beer-drinking between now and the end.

It will be good for you.

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