Monthly Archives: April 2011

No-Go Zone on the Hudson

Last weekend I rode the Hudson Line north to Poughkepsie. Spring was suffering a delay thanks to a powerful storm warping across the nation. Heavy winds were expecting to batter the region overnight. I sat by the window and watched the a gray rain lace the river. At times the opposite bank was obscured by […]

You Bet I Would # 6

A friend of mine posted this photo on Facebook. The website managers warned him against such material. Squares of Political Correctness and many of his friends also chided him for purveying sex. Americans are so puritan that the adults have forgotten how to have sex and the white race has to depend on teenage single […]

West 23rd Street Afoot

Residents of Chelsea are noticeably thinner than the inhabitants of other Manhattan neighborhoods. Their sparse frames might be attributed to youth, exercise, and diet, however the cause of their weightlessness is a result of the paucity of M-23 buses. Every time I exited from the F train at 23rd Street to head west the the […]


The server for suffered a nervous breakdown this week. My access and that of people visiting the site was denied by the almighty powers of the internet. My techie had no explanation and my emails to the server went unanswered. Traffic was non-existent, as if all my entries had been vaporized by a web […]

It’s a Smaller World

My bloodline is divided between my maternal Hibernian roots and my father’s Yankee heritage. My Nana was transported from the West of Ireland across the Atlantic in steerage and my DownEast ancestors sailed with the Pilgrims on the Mayflower. Both families held strong convictions about the value of hard work and in 1962 my father […]