Monthly Archives: December 2010

Where Am I

Two years ago I left Thailand for the USA. My good friend AP promised a soft landing. I had $100 in my pocket and Mam was pregnant with our son. No job. No place to live. Pressure and stress. I survived that summer as a dog minder in Palm Beach. Pom Pom was a crackhouse […]

Car Crash In Snow Stupid Funny I don’t know where these people are going, but they obviously haven’t heard about sitting out a storm.

End of Moneyless Utopia

My daughter was born seven years ago on New Year’s Day. My son will be two and a half. My two step-children are still under ten. I love them all and reacted immediately to their mothers’ request for money by tramping through the snowdrifts of Brooklyn to the nearest Duane Reade to send money. “Couldn’t […]

Site Weirdness

sorry but I’m having trouble with posts, but I should get it back together after the holidays. no one is perfect, except for our mothers

MUDD CLUB Reunion Highlights

Thirty years later the Mudd Club lives if only for one night To see a little of that momentuous evening pleace go to this URL