Monthly Archives: November 2010

Guts of Iron

After my mother’s passing, a vegetable never passed my father’s lips. He ate at restaurants and prided himself on his easy BMs or bowel movements. I never heard him burp. Not even when we ate at Tony’s on Wollaston Beach. He would chase down fried clams with a chocolate shake without any indigestion. I mentioned […]

Big Frank’s Gone North

RIP Frank Arthur Smith II (1921-2010) A Son’s Best Friend

The Eyes of Anger

Anger ignited the souls of American white males over 40. None of them had ever dreamed about a black man in the White House or the possibility of universal health care. The money spent on SUVs and re-mortgaging their houses have driven them to the brink of financial ruin. Their kids are fat and their […]

FURY FORGOTTEN by Peter Nolan Smith

After the bank crash New York City became concrete hard for anyone over 50. Successful friends moved out of your pay bracket and your old slot was replaced by twenty year-olds willing to work for less. Faced with faltering income expectations middle-age men and women looked beyond the borders of the five boroughs and contemplated […]

Friend & Lover – Reach Out Of The Darkness