Monthly Archives: March 2010

Red Rouge Si-Dang

March 12. Si-dang Day in Bangkok for Thaksin supporters seeking justice for their deposed leader. 20,000 monks are reportedly spearheading the rally against the government. The police are monitoring the internet to discover the strategy of the protesters and the army remain on high alert after seven bombs were detonated at banks around the capitol. […]

Weenies of Arizona

Arizona’s senate race sloshed into the sun-dried gutter with JD Hayworth’s poster depicting John McCain as an extra in the blockbuster film AVATAR with the banner Nominee for Best Conservative Actor under the photo. The senator’s re-election staff asked for the Hayworth campaign to withdraw the ad, however his spokesperson flatly refused to take such […]

Et Tu Scott Brown

Voters are angry at Washington. All three branches of government are in a constant state of malfunction thanks to the power of special interests and partisan politics. Incumbent politicians are feeling the heat as Americans review their alliances with the old parties. Massachusetts elected a GOP neophyte to Ted Kennedy’s vacant senate seat on the […]

Almost Spring

Still a little chill in the air, but spring is no far off which means summer is not far away from March.

Hi-Tech Two Buttons

America’s basic introduction to computer came via sci-fi movies and TV shows. The man-made brains had blinking lights and whistles. Worse they disobeyed Isaac Assimov’s primary commandments of robotics. 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey any […]