Never Can Say Goodbye

Women say good-bye in many ways. Most of them not nice.

I’ve been lucky. Mo

My girlfriends have exited from my life without a backward glance.

They were happy to be gone and going where they were going. None of them have sought revenge, mostly because they were doing the leaving, however some of my friends have suffered through catastrophic schisms. Wives barring visitation rights to their children. Girlfriends suing for palimony. Gunshots fired through the window. One friend was even stabbed by his lover, the night he signed to lay football for the Detroit Lions.

“You ain’t going nowhere.”

Seano was lucky to be alive.

Scorn doesn’t wear well on women. Most are not as deadly as Seano’s girlfiend. Still they will extract their pounds of flesh. One woman took revenge of her cameraman/lover by leaving his rented car in long-term parking while he filmed THE LAST EMPEROR and another called the weather in Tokyo while her beau was away in Antarctica. The damage was in the thousands. One tempestuous soul singer torched her man’s houses.

$2.7 million up in flames.

It all hurts, but Sam Royalle got off cheap this weekend, when his tee-lat left for parts unknown, although not before throwing his mobile phone, blackberry, TV, computer, and hair-dryer in the pool

A good soak worth several thousand dollars.

Cheap and certainly less painful than a knife in the back.

“Love is never having to say you’re sorry.”

That line from LOVE STORY always works well in Thailand, as I know too well.


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