Olympia Snowe, the GOP senator from Maine, broke with her political compatriots to vote for the Democratic Health Plan. The threat of socialism didn’t scare her DownEast constituency. 77% of Americans want a change in the present health system dominated by private insurers. The GOP don’t get it. All they see is pinkos behind every nigger. Always have and I’m one of those pinkos, however I never get sick which is amazing for a hypochondriac.
No colds. No flus. No fevers.
My only visits to hospital were at birth and for sixteen stitches at Banglamung Hospital. A bad motorcycle accident. The other driver fled the scene. He was Thai. For a day I thought he might have been my first wife’s lover. I’m insured for a million baht. My paranoia was ill-directed. He hadn’t been in town that day.
The cost for that care was less than a $100.
In USA it would have been in the thousands and at present like millions of other Americans I have no coverage for health care.
“You have to get health care.” Richie Boy stated as we drank at a bar. He’s my boss and normally should be paying for this luxury, however I remain uninsured. Next year this could be against the law, but for the moment I treat my health the only way I can afford.
With beer.
Not too many for I believe in excess in moderation.
At 57 I have no other choice.
Bless you Olympia Snowe.
I’m from Maine too and you make me proud that you shunned the power of the mighty Russ Limbaugh.
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This entry was written by Peter, posted on October 15, 2009 at 7:25 am, filed under Health and tagged health care, Obama, socialism. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.