Prostitution is illegal in Thailand, yet millions of men visit the nation to meet women. The whole world has heard of such sex entrepots as pattaya and nana Plaza, but few realize that the trade exists within the country and at the borders too, especially to the south beneath the restive province of Pattani and Yala.
Every night hundreds of Muslim men, if not thousands, pass through Thai customs to escape the Sharia law imposed on them by the Islamic councils. Beer, disco, girls, because some of these men want their paradise on earth and not in the next.
The Thai girls here prefer Malaysian men. “They don’t do anything rude to me. Malaysian men only drink when they are partying and want to enjoy. Thai men drink as routine”.
Sungai Kolok has survived the five-year war in the south. Bombs have torn the streets and threats have been issued by the insurgents. faced with death the customers keep coming in droves. Only this month a car bomb killed 4 near a hotel.
Death or disco?
In Sungai Kolok the vote for disco is obvious.
Disco will never die.
Even in the face of danger.
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