Monthly Archives: June 2009

Global Chill Out

Chicago has recorded the coolest June this year. New York hasn’t seen a single day of warmth. I’ve been fighting off a lung infection for two weeks. The Western Hemisphere is cold and meteorologists are predicting another stretch of seasonally unusual weather. Anti-Global Warming critics have seized on this trend to kibosh scientific data from […]

32 Million Chinamen No Women

“China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese.” Charles de Gaulle. That statement was true in the 1950s. The population was a mere 500 million. The Frnech general’s words are over twice as true now for the Chinese crowd 1.3 billion within the confines of the old Celestial Kingdom. The ‘One-Child’ policy prevented that […]

Permanent Record

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” These lines from Emma Lazurus’ sonnet THE NEW COLOSSUS have graced the base of the Statue of Liberty since 1903. […]

The Summer of War

Tensions heighten on the Korean DMZ. North Korean media has claimed the USA has over 1000 atomic bombs in South Korea and Japan to counter the communist country’s growing threat to regional stability, despite the ‘fact’ that the US atomic arsenal was removed from South Korea after the end of the Cold War. The Foreign […]

The Collapse of Free Market Capitalism

Two years ago I was sitting in the Phnom Penh Airport. My traveling comrade was drinking beer. Chang 7-11% alcohol. He’s English. I waited for our flight to Bangkok at the gate. Two men sat behind me. One was European. The other American. They were arguing about capitalism. “There is only one form of capitalism […]