Monthly Archives: April 2009

Toujours La France

America has a love-hate relationship with France. We love the garlic-eaters for supporting the rebels at Yorktown. We hate them for stealing Jerry Lewis. We love them for French Fries. We hate the frogs for not allowing US F-16s fly over France to bomb Libya. No one under the GW Bush regime ever said, “Lafayette, […]

Quote of the Day – Rain

“The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow This week the leaders of the G-20 met in London. Their mission – to save the world economy. Their plan – a trillion dollar stimulus package aimed at staving off the wrost aspects of global decline. The NYSE […]

Most Popular Youtubes Video

Avril Lavigne’s first CD sounded punky to me. I bought it for $2.50 at Pattaya’s Wat Chai market. This purchase should have diminished my old geezer status, except my 15 year-old niece groaned when asked about Canadian singer. “She’s a fake.” I threw the CD into the swamp behind my house after that comment, but […]

Going for It – Mr Pattaya 2009

“I’m like the Acropolis. My body is in ruins, but you can tell it once was something.” My friend David Tidball used to tell me that although the British artist never exhibited any vestiges of an athletic physique. I’ve adopted his line and my body is giving way to decrepitude. Nothing a few years in […]

Out of Jail – Harry Nicolaides

Harry Nicolaides was freed from prison last month after a long incarceration for defaming the royal family. He has been declared persona non grata in Thailand and now lives in his native Australia. THE MONTHLY has published an account of his time in prison. Life in a Bangkok Prison On the night of 31 August […]