Monthly Archives: April 2009

Lightning Strikes in Bangkok

Songkran signals the approach of the rainy season. it’s still hot and the weather can produce epic lightning storms. My girlfriends always insisted on shutting off every electrical device in the house other than the fans. They would shiver in fear of a lightning strike. Everyone had someone who had died out in the rice […]

In No God We Trust

America is god-fearing country for a good percentage of its citizens; Christians, Jews, and Muslims along with assorted other religions, however an increasing number of Americans are disbelievers ie we don’t believe in a god. None at all. The universe just is and this rejection of the Judeo-Christian theology unnerves church-goers who worry that Hell […]

RIDERS ON THE STORM RAPTURE – Jim Morrison with Blondie

Jim Morrison’s tomb is in Paris’ Pere Lachise cemetery. Every day Doors fans enter the 19th Century necropolis on a pilgrimage to the Lizard King. MORRISON LIVES is graffitied on neighboring graves and for decades a persistent rumor has been whispered by the devoted that Jim Morrison never really died, but is living in Spain. […]

Revolution versus Songkran

I first came to Thailand in 1991. It was April. I traveled to Koh Samui on an overnight ferry. No one told me about the regular boat service, but I spent that night staring at the stars flickering in a tropical night. The boat was a service barge. Slow. We arrived at dawn. I got […]

Outing in Pattaya

No one in Pattaya points fingers at sin. Old men with young girls might get a chuckle. Ka-toeys with muscle-builders a WTF. Lesbians with lesbians everyone wants to watch. No one ever says anything about seeing your boyfriend, girlfriend, mia noi, wife, husband, geek, or lover with someone else. It’s an unspoken rule. Broken only […]