Monthly Archives: April 2009


BANNED IN BOSTON gave a film a certain cachet in the 20th Century. Boston’s blue laws on morality gave the city a well-deserved reputation as a bastion of spiritual correctitude, despite Foley Square being a center of sexual titillation. The sexual liberation of the 1960s stormed this Bay State bastion of conservatism and the Combat […]

Assasination Politics

The red shirts of Thaksin retreated from the barricades for the Songkran holiday. The roads of Thailand are dangerous enough without thugs looking for trouble. The Ministry of Traffic reported over nearly 400 deaths for the holiday, but PAD leader Sondhi was lucky to escape an assassination attempt on his life on a busy Bangkok […]

JG Ballad RIP

James Graham Ballard passed into the aether after an illustrious career as a novelist. He was born in China and endured WWII in a Shanghai internment camp as a child. Prison, war, atroocity, and a warped childhood spell writer and JG Ballard delighted the lovers of weird with CRASH, CONCRETE JUNGLE, and his infamous the […]

Neo-Zionists at the Wheel

Some deals are contracted in stone like the 10 Commandments. No one knows their location, however as inheritors of Yahweh’s legacy the State of Israel has a big say in the actions of the West. This week the USA announced that they will once more not attending the UN conference on racism. The State Department […]

Dutch Oar versus Teabagging

CNN and MNBC have been taking the piss out of Fox News Tea Party, since the news agency stole a well-known sexual term to define its crusade. ‘Teabagging’ according to the online Urban Dictionary is ‘When a man that squats on top of a woman’s face and lowers his genitals into her mouth during sex.” […]