Monthly Archives: April 2009

Northern Maine 1991

Northern Maine. 1991. There was no winter in New York. Everyone was heading to Miami. It was trendy. My friend Philippe and I decided to drive to the farthest reaches of Maine. We listened to NEVERMIND and did speed. Ft. Kent was really winter. I wanted to cross the St. John’s River into Canada. Philippe […]

Charles Whitman DOA

Neither Officer McCoy or Ramirez said, “Smile.” before they shot Charles Whitman dead. For a related article click on this URL

Bareback Mountain

The Media reported that aged pop idol and boytoy collector Madonna was bucked from her horse. The 50 year-old lip-syncher claimed a paparazzi startled her stead on a Hampton NY trail. “He jumped out of the bushes.” Police assigned to the case have no comment on the matter. Someone suggested that Madonna’s injuries arose from […]

Chinese Navy to the Seas.

The Chinese government has spent billions to upgrade its naval might and this week the fleet will host a parade of the People’s Liberation Navy off the northern port city of Qingdao to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Communist victory over capitalism. Most of the armada will be missile frigates, destroyers, and submarines, but […]

Songkran Crisis Over?

Thailand survived the two threats on Songkran; drunk drivers and power-mad red shirts without Bangkok going up in flames or the highway death toll topping 500. The motorists won out, since the red shirt assassins failed to kill their arch-rival Sondhi. This attack was captured on CCTV. 100 bullets fired at the Toyota. The driver […]