Songkran Crisis Over?

Thailand survived the two threats on Songkran; drunk drivers and power-mad red shirts without Bangkok going up in flames or the highway death toll topping 500. The motorists won out, since the red shirt assassins failed to kill their arch-rival Sondhi. This attack was captured on CCTV. 100 bullets fired at the Toyota. The driver remains in critical condition and Sondhi was released from the hospital. The price on his head supposedly 3,000,000 baht or $100,00, which would certainly clear off my debts to the credit cards. No one will be accused of this crime. The assailants have disappeared into the forests of Ban Nok, but if they had succeeded then we would have seen a more deadly scenario play out on the streets of the capitol.

Good thing the shooters were not members of the Thai Black Squad, whose deadly leader said after being accused of involvement with a failed attempt on PM Thaksin.

“If I wanted him dead, he would be dead.”

This man was at Tak Be, an infamous village in the South.

He knows of what he speaks.

To view a VDO of Tak Be click on this URL

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